Fear of the great chill – P. 20

In recent years, a new trend has been emerging, blurring the line between cosmetics and food to the point where new expressions are needed, which is why we are hearing more and more about “edible cosmetics” and “cosmetofood”. This reveals an understanding of the key role of food in skin care.

Vitamins, vitamins, and more vitamins!

The benefits of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients, not to mention newcomers such as omega 3, 6, 9, are so many that entire volumes would be needed to cover the subject. These products have invaded the shelves of specialized stores, including big-box operations. While no one is questioning the phenomenal contribution of vitamins, we do know that some must be used more “reasonably”, and, generally speaking, this is safe and secure territory. The phenomenon of boosting everyday food with vitamins, minerals and omegas is new. . We all know that food is essential to our survival, so how could it not play a key role in the care of our skin, which is a major organ?

Skin, a reflection of our energy

Skin is one of the most important organs in the human body in terms of both surface area and weight. Its surface is estimated at approximately 2 m2 and its weight at 5 kg, which indicate its considerable importance on a physical level. Since the epidermis covers the entire body, the skin is the interface of choice between the body and the outside world. Everywhere, the skin is covered in pores, which are micro-windows allowing it to oxygenate and retain its freshness. Not only must the skin be adequately cleansed in order to breathe well, it must also […]

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  1. lipoaspiration (11 Years Ago)

    Bonjour votre sujet est vraiment bien fait c’est vraiment agreable; toutes mes felicitations.

    • admin (11 Years Ago)


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