Browsing Category Beauty, Well-being


Published in: 12 astuces pour paraître plus mince!, Health and beauty, Beauty, Well-being

I declare you husband and wife!

I declare you husband and wife!


Published in: Health and beauty, Beauty, Well-being, Futures mariées

Travel Safety part 2 – P. 46

The second part of our article on Travel Safety addresses, as did the first, business men and women, vacationers and young students travelling abroad, not to mention each one of us in our own city. In the previous article, we talked mainly about preventive self-defense...

Published in: Health and beauty, La sécurité en voyage partie 2

Les soins détox

Les soins détox

Chaque jour notre corps est exposé à la pollution, à différents contaminants chimiques contenus dans l'eau et dans l'air ainsi qu’aux effets destructeurs du stress. Notre alimentation contient plus de sucre, plus de sel et nous privilégions souvent les aliments...

Published in: Health and beauty, Beauty, Well-being, Les soins détox

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